
Monday, 22 August 2016


Winter in Bloom 

PHOTOGRAPHY: Madeleine Roux / @maddieroux
STYLIST: Molly Johnstone / @mollyjohnstone
MODEL: Ri / @ririchix
MUA: Melissa Ho / @melissahomakeupartist

Isabelle Quinn


Sunday, 3 July 2016




PHOTOGRAPHY: Madeleine Roux / @maddieroux
STYLIST: Molly Johnstone / @mollyjohnstone
MODEL: Shae / @shaefraser
MUA: Tamika Taylor / @tamikamakeup


Tuesday, 31 May 2016

Half Moon Bay | PART 1


PHOTOGRAPHY: Madeleine Roux / @maddieroux
MODEL: Ruby Mackenzie / @rubymackenzie
MUA: Claire Walker  / @clairesmakeupxo 


Monday, 9 May 2016


W I L S O N S  P R O M O N T O R Y
National Park

06/05/2016 – 07/05/2016

I have been wanting to go here for a long time. My friend Lauren and I decided to pack our things and head for a two-hour drive (in the dark).  We aimed to see the Meteor shower – and even try and photograph it. We sat under the stars for ages watching countless shooting stars (meteors?), eating chicken wings that Lauren cooked for about an hour (we weren’t too keen on getting sick).  We had intentions to sleep in a tent – but why tent when you can fit a mattress into the back of the car? We were just a bit disorganised, really.

We woke up the next morning before sunrise, walking around the park in search of things that would captivate us. We decided on a beach with tall sand dunes and amazing cliffs. We were desperate to see the sunrise and the lighting change, and the result was beautiful.

Watching Lauren struggle climbing up and down the steep sand dunes was probably one of the funniest things I have seen. The poor girl just kept slipping.

Once we finally got up the top, we had to take two of our twenty layers off – it was seriously a workout. We ran around here for a few hours, running around and taking it all in.

On the way home we went to Flying Cow Cafe. As soon as we walked in the woman offered us freshly baked scones and homemade raspberry jam. The two of us sat alone in the café which was dressed entirely in all things cows – cow related framed puns included (udderly ridiculous, I know).

Hope you enjoyed the snaps -

Photography and words by Maddie Roux